who we are
Hearing the voice of God is in our DNA as a ministry. God is relational and wants to have a two way dialogue. We believe that anyone can hear the voice of God if they cultivate a listening heart. Our worship model encourages listening to the Holy Spirit and together, we will respond to the instruction Paul gave in 1 Corinthians 14:1 to “earnestly desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.”
Art, in its many forms, are powerful expressions of worship. Throughout scripture, temples are described as extravagant in design and incorperate the work of many skilled artisans. BHOP is a place where song writer, singers, and artists can create while in an annointed atmosphere. Artists can also showcase their work on a rotating basis.
we love catholics
Although BHOP is a non-denominational ministry with protestant roots, we love how the Catholic Faith places such an emphasis on developing a life in prayer. Many of our favorite authors and worship leaders are Catholic (Henri Nouwen, Brother Lawrence, Thomas Dubay, Matt Maher etc.) We have a vision to cultivate an environment where Protestants and Catholics focus on glorifying the Man Christ Jesus and not on the points of theology which may divide us.